GEN-AGs and networks

The Society for Genetics supports GEN-AGs and networks that are dedicated to specific topics.

Research in the field of genetics provides fundamental insights into the development, course and control of life processes. These findings from basic genetic research have far-reaching implications for society.

The Society for Genetics (GfG) endeavors to intensify the scientific discourse on the subject-specific progress of genetics itself, but also on its effects on social life. The GfG would particularly like to address the next generation of young geneticists.

Within the GfG, there are various working groups (GEN-AGs) and networks that bring together scientists from specialized areas of genetics and specifically promote their scientific exchange through conferences and mentoring.

GEN-AGs and networks are formed around a precisely focused specialist topic in the field of genetics that is of particular topicality and fundamental importance. The particular social relevance of a topic lends additional weight.

Interesse eine GEN-AG oder ein Netzwerk als Mitglied der GfG zu gründen? Bitte den Vorstand der GfG kontaktieren.

Um einer GEN-AG oder einem Netzwerk beizutreten muss man nicht unbedingt Mitglied der GfG werden.