Poster prices

The genetically interested research community came together in April 2022 to discuss current developments in the field under the motto “Genetics of Inflammation and Infection”. This year's conference - organized by Professor Reinhard Köster from the TU Braunschweig - took place online and aimed to shed light on fundamental genetic mechanisms of inflammation and infection processes.

GfG President Prof. Gerhard Braus and Vice President Prof. Stefanie Pöggeler present the prize for the best junior lecture to Dr. Daniela Nordzieke (University of Göttingen).

The joint conference “Molecular Biology of Fungi 2022” of the VAAM Division “Biology and Biotechnology of Fungi” and the Gen AG of the Society for Genetics “Genetics of Fungi” took place from September 7-9, 2022 at the TU Kaiserslautern. The thematically diverse event also attracted numerous young scientists, who had the opportunity to present and discuss their results in extensive poster sessions. The Society for Genetics awarded prizes to the best posters in each of the three categories: Multicellular development, Sensing and Signaling and Biotechnology.

The prize in the “Multicellular Development” category went to Jan Breuer from the University of Bochum for his poster entitled “Analyzing the impact of the histone chaperone ASF1 on sexual development and the chromatin landscape in the ascomycete Sordaria macrospora”.

In the “Sensing and Signaling” category, the poster by Xiaodi Hu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) entitled “Interaction of Arthrobotrys flagrans with Caenorhabditis elegans involves G-protein dependent signaling” was awarded.

Yuxin Zhang from the Technical University of Munich was awarded the prize in the “Biotechnology” category for his poster “Characterize CLR-3 as a key factor in the cross-talk between cellulose and hemicellulose signaling in N. crassa”.

All prize winners received 150 euros in prize money, which was donated by the GenAG of the Society for Genetics “Genetics of Fungi”. We congratulate the prizewinner and the prizewinners!


GfG poster prize at the PSSC 2023 in Gatersleben

Henri Laugel from the University of Göttingen received the GfG Poster Prize, endowed with 300 euros, for the presentation of his project “Abo-Direkt: ‘Direct to resistance, quality and yield with field bean lines’. With the help of genetic markers, new breeding methods are to be used to facilitate the cost-efficient analysis of inbred material.

GfG Treasurer Markus Kuhlmann presented the prize to the winner.