Our news archive

First meeting of the newly elected board and advisory board of the Society for Genetics (GfG).

On March 2024, the newly elected GfG board and advisory board members met in Giessen. Topics such as public relations, inclusivity of epigenetics in the company's name, upcoming workshops and conferences, updating the website and much more were hotly discussed.

Many activities and innovations are being tackled!

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In April 2024, the GfG workshop “On the way to a professorship” took place for the third time in Berlin. A lot of insider information, tips and tricks as well as answers to many questions will hopefully help all participants with their applications, talks and interviews!

Here are some quotes from participants:

“I found the workshop very helpful in gaining insights into the appointment process in Germany, and was particularly interested in thecommitted lecturers who are interested in the scientificBring in young talent.”

“The workshop helped me a lot to get a structured overview of what is actually expected (and what is not / not necessarily) and to be able to set my priorities accordingly. In this respect, you can't actually attend a workshop like this early enough. Unfortunately, I don’t know of such offers from any of “my” other specialist societies, and the GfG is really exemplary in this respect.”

Many thanks to the organizers Ann Ehrenhofer-Murray (@ann_ehrenhofer), Sandra Hake (@Hake_Chromatin), Reinhard Köster and Frank Kempken (@FrankKempken). If you are interested in future workshops, please contact the GfG!

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