Prof. Dr. Wiebke Herzog

Wiebke Herzog studied biology at the FU Berlin and the University of Exeter and has been working on the analysis of organogenesis in zebrafish since her PhD at the MPI of Immunobiology in Freiburg i.Br. As a postdoc she spent 4.5 years at UC San Francisco. She then established her own research group in 2008 with the NRW “returnee scholarship” as a junior professor at the WWU and at the MPI for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster and continued this as a Heisenberg fellow until she was appointed W3 Professor of Developmental Biology at FAU Erlangen at the end of 2020.

Her research group is interested in the development of blood vessels, particularly in the mechanisms of cell migration and the vessels of the brain with the formation of the blood-brain barrier. For the experimental approaches, W. Herzog's team mainly uses zebrafish as a model because they are an excellent model for combining genetic and molecular biological analyses with imaging techniques.

Her teaching focuses on genetics, cell and developmental biology in the Bachelor's, teacher training and Master's degree courses at FAU.

There are currently two PhD students and one postdoc position open in the department! Further information can be found at