Prof. Dr. Sigurd Braun

Prof. Dr. Sigurd Braun is the newly elected Vice President of the GfG. He is a Heisenberg Professor specializing in chromatin biology at the Institute of Genetics at Justus Liebig University (JLU) Giessen. His research focuses on gene expression and genome stability in the cell. His research group investigates the spatial organization and regulation of active and inactive chromatin regions in the model organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast).

His teaching focuses on molecular biology and epigenetics. Sigurd Braun studied biology at the University of Freiburg and obtained his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried/Munich. After a research stay in the USA at the University of California, San Francisco, he headed an independent research group at the Biochemical Center of the LMU Munich from 20011 and has been at JLU Giessen since 2021.

Sigurd Braun has been involved in various national and international research networks and is currently coordinating an EU-funded doctoral program (Innovative Training Network, ITN) on cellular heterogeneity of chromatin (“Cell2Cell”).